VueJS & Golang Server - reCAPTCHA V3 Validation
I recently volunteered to develop a website for a friend, who wanted the ability to send emails directly from the frontend. On the surface, this is a straightforward request, but the reality is tha...
I recently volunteered to develop a website for a friend, who wanted the ability to send emails directly from the frontend. On the surface, this is a straightforward request, but the reality is tha...
This post details the implementation steps to integrate MicroK8s Kube API Server with Azure in order to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) identities within your cluster. The OAuth 2.0 framework sup...
I’ve wanted to play around with ReactJS to see what the fuss is about for a while now. I also had some ideas around finance domain categorisation and thought that i could nicely tie the two concept...
I use terraform with Azure for all the obvious benefits that Infrastructure As Code provides. However, sometimes it makes much more sense to provision resources via the frontend portal, or via the ...
After consolidating just those 3 data sources, i have a HUGE amount on information on the residents of Reading. Obviously the results are only as good as the data. The companies house data is makin...
Continuing on from my first post, this post focuses on sourcing and massaging my data into a usable format ready for cross referencing and some analysis. As detailed in my first post, i received 38...
I found myself recently wondering, what exactly is private data? What i mean is, how much information about me is too much for a stranger to know. Of course there is Personally Identifiable Informa...
This post details the steps required to run your own tile server and import data from open street map. I’ll also show you how to import your own points data, so you can plot layer data into the ser...
So three years ago, i made a little program and I’ve decided to finally do a little writeup on it. Im a big football fan and i love to place a little bet. Every January and summer im constantly re...
As a millennial who develops software, I use other peoples libraries whenever I can to get the job done as quickly as possible. Unless its something particularly bespoke, there is always a library ...